Over many years of making
shakuhachi, I have been asked numerous questions about the traditional
craft and music of this unique instrument. Here are some of the
most frequent inquiries along with my personal views on the subject.
Q1: What
makes a "good" shakuhachi?
Q2: Which
aspect in the construction of the shakuhachi is most critical
to the production of tonal quality?
Q3: How
do the various models of Tai Hei Shakuhachi differ in quality?
How can the Student and three grades of Professional Models (Advanced
Student, Teacher and Master) be compared?
Q4: What
distinguishes the large-hole shakuhachi from a flute with regular-sized
Q5: I
am interested in playing Western music on the shakuhachi. Is it
essential that I order a seven-hole instrument?
Q6: How
does the Meditation shakuhachi differ from a flute made with
the precision cast bore? Which model instrument is best for the
beginning player to start out on?
Q7: Should
I be concerned about my flute splitting? What are the advantages
of ordering a shakuhachi with the optional binding?
Q8: I
want to learn to play the shakuhachi. Is a teacher essential?
Can I learn on my own by using one of the playing guides?
Q9: Which
playing guides and books do you recommend?
Q10: What are Jinashi Shakuhachi and how do they differ from Jiari instruments made with the Precision
Case Bore?
If you have questions
that remain unanswered after looking over these FAQs, feel free
to drop me a line