Here are a host of techniques and solutions applicable to the challenging endeavor of building woodwind instruments from over-the-counter PVC plumbing products and other readily available materials. They originate from the author's workshop notes based on actual instruments he has made, historical artifacts created by him, hand sketches and CAD drawings. This work involves various types and sizes of flutes, both with and without keys. These are proven techniques which are very practical to the maker of conventional and experimental musical instruments.
Chapters in this volume cover a wide variety of techniques used in the flute making process, shop requirements, work shop safety, designing the instrument, joint design, bending PVC pipe, tapered and enlarged bores, outside finish, drilling holes, press fits, hand shearing metals, fitting-up and regulating key mechanisms, marking and layout, tuning hints and an evaluation of different plastics for use in construction.
Six sample projects are presented complete with diagrams and specifications. They include the Renaissance Flute in G, Bb Military Fife, Three-Way Instrument, Irish Flute, Native North American Indian Love Flute and the 4-Keyed Flute. Richly illustrated with drawing, photos and CAD layouts complete with specifications. Appendices provide a list of suppliers, description of common pipe materials and bibliography. New updated and expanded edition.
122 pages. CM-15
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Other Flute Craft books by John Edfors Vintage Flutes from PVC Folk Woodwinds from PVC |